Past Life Regression

  • Do you believe in past lives and want to know more about your own?
  • Have you always had a strong connection to a particular place or time period and wonder why?
  • Would you like to remove blocks or limiting beliefs?
  • Are you feeling stuck in life and would like to be able to see things from a different perspective?
  • Would you like to connect with your higher self?

What is a Past Life Regression?

Past Life Regression is a gentle therapeutic technique which allows you to access memories and experiences from a past life that you have lived before this life. I will guide you on a journey while you are in a deeply relaxed state using hypnosis, guided relaxation and visualisation, to enable you to recall by seeing, hearing or feeling past lives that you have lived.

You will be able to communicate with me throughout the session and will be fully aware of the questions I ask you. You will not be unconscious, just deeply relaxed, enabling us to access the subconscious part of your mind. As with all hypnotherapy, you cannot be made to do anything you do not want to do. It is a collaborative effort between the therapist and client, and the client remains in control at all times.

How can a Past Life Regression help?

Exploring past lives is a fascinating experience that some people like to have simply out of curiosity.

Connecting with your past lives can also help you in your current one. They can provide the opportunity for personal growth and healing in many ways.

To get the most from your session, it is helpful to have an intention of what you would like to achieve, a question you would like an answer to or a problem that you would like to overcome.

These sessions can help with the following issues as well as many more..

  • Giving context to current difficulties you may be experiencing in this life and help you see and resolve destructive patterns of behaviour.
  • Help explain anxieties, fears and phobias that have no apparent cause in this life.
  • Give context to physical ailments you may experience in this lifetime.
  • Help to alleviate a fear of dying.
  • Reveal information that can help with your spiritual growth and reveal your life purpose.
  • Relationship issues.
  • Feeling stuck in life

Please contact me for more information or to book an appointment. I am currently working online via Zoom for most of my sessions, although in person appointments can be arranged if preferred.